CXC Opportunities

Vacancies for Technical Staff

23-106a IT Specialist (Systems Administration)

This is the position of Information Technology (IT) Specialist in the Chandra Operations Control Center (OCC) of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. The employee will take a lead role in performing all aspects of computer network management on a network of Windows and Linux workstations and servers and serves as a resource of expertise for other staff.

Vacancies for Scientists

There are no current vacancies.

Predoctoral Fellowships

The Chandra X-ray Center (CXC) solicits candidates through the CXC Predoctoral Fellowship Program for research in specified areas of high energy astrophysics. The program provides opportunities for PhD students to carry out thesis research work with scientific staff members of the CXC, for a period of two to three years. CXC Predoctoral Fellowships are open to students enrolled in a PhD program in astronomy, astrophysics, or related fields. Successful applicants carry out work on their doctoral thesis under the research co-supervision of a CXC staff member, in coordination with formal supervision from their home institution. The CXC co-supervisor coordinates closely with the student's formal supervisor to arrive at a research plan that will lead to a PhD thesis.

Visitor Program

The Chandra X-ray Center welcomes visits to the CXC for the purpose of collaboration on specific research projects with CXC scientific staff. Limited funding to support short-term (nominally 2-5 day) visits is available through the CXC Research Visitor Program (RVP). Interested members of the Chandra Users Community are invited to contact a potential CXC collaborator who can initiate a request for such support. Proposals for RVP support are solicited internally twice per year.