12-13 January 2004 Chandra User's Committee Members Attending: M. Arnaud, J. P. Henry, J.P. Hughes (chair), W. Latter, J. Lee, K. Long, K. Mitsuda, G. Taylor, C. Reynolds, and S. Snowden Members absent: Y.-H. Chu and V. Kalogera Others: A. Tennant, H. Tananbaum, B. Wilkes, F.Seward, P. Green, D. Kniffen (by telecon) During Roger Brissenden's report the following issues were raised and addressed. In response to questions about the IRU swap Roger reported that the gyros on-board Chandra were not of the HST type and that on other spacecraft the Chandra-type gyros lasted for 17 years. There is currently 1 spare gyro that can be cross-strapped if necessary in the future and an additional one available for short-term backup. The CXC is working on other cross-strapping scenarios and looking into additional fail-safe modes, e.g., using a single gyro and the aspect camera. Operational constraints being implemented to limit the temperature of the EPHIN require that continuous observations at pitch angles of approximately 90 degrees be kept below 50 ks. It was noted that this will impact simultaneous Chandra and XMM-Newton observations, since XMM-Newton prefers to observe at pitch angles near 90 degrees. This information needs to be communicated to the Chandra user community. Due to the "fail to insert" anomaly it was decided to disallow use of the HRC-Y shutter. This was rarely used anyway. Chandra was apparently struck by a meteoroid during the last Leonid shower (Nov 15, 2003). No failure was noted in any S/C or SI system and, based on estimates of where the impact could have occurred, it is believed that no important S/C component was damaged. Cooling of the aspect camera has reduced the dark current and the number of warm pixels, resulting in improved centroiding. Capability for further cooling (down one more level, 5 C) is available. Harvey Tananbaum spoke about the Chandra/XMM-Newton Duplicate Targets issue. In 2003 the Chandra Cycle 5 and XMM-Newton Cycle 3 reviews were held at approximately the same time so that information from one review was not available to the other. It was decided by Harvey Tananbaum and Fred Jansen after the reviews that identical targets awarded by both peer review would be further reviewed to ensure that duplications were scientifically justified. The CUC was not consulted on this issue at the time it originated, although a survey of the members after the fact indicated strong support for some sort of a review of duplicate awarded targets. Ultimately 5 investigators (1 was voluntary and 4 were decided by the Observatory Directors) dropped one or the other observation while 10 investigators retained both, which resulted in a net savings of 80 ks of Chandra time. All things considered, the results of the post-review review were satisfactory. [1] For future observing cycles, the CUC recommends that target conflict information (e.g., whether the target was previously observed by Chandra or XMM-Newton) needs to be made more visible to the peer review. The large printout of targets and conflicts given to the review is not very readable and it generally falls upon each individual reviewer to take note of conflicts, which can vary depending on the diligence of the reviewer. The CXC should investigate how to make target conflict information more visible to the peer review. Furthermore, the CUC would like the CXC to consider implementing a more structured proposal form in the future with, among others, a category for duplications that proposers should complete. This is not intended to replace the target checking done by the CXC (which still must be done), but rather to focus proposers on the need to address previous observations. To make this easier for the user community there should be links on the Chandra Proposal Information web page to the XMM-Newton search facility. If possible, the proposer should also be given access to the same checking software that will be used by the CXC for the peer review. Fred Seward reported on the cycle 5 peer review. He noted that 5% of the GO budget goes to theory proposals and 10% to archive proposals. Since the oversubscription factor for these proposal categories is similar to that for observing proposals, it seems that the fraction of funding going to these programs is appropriate for now. Fred noted that 6 institutions win roughly 1/2 of all Chandra time through the peer review. However the success rate for CXC proposers is roughly the same as that for GO's outside the Center. Fred announced plans to retire next year. All responsibilities for cycle 6 have been handed over to Belinda Wilkes. The CUC acknowledges the tremendous service that Fred Seward has provided over the years to the Chandra user community. He has carried out his responsibilities selflessly, graciously, and with humor and for this we are extremely grateful. We are pleased to learn that he will be devoting more time to his research and we wish him great success with it. The summary of the Chandra Cycle 5 "chair and pundit" questionnaire by Belinda was informative. It seems like a useful activity to carry forward to future reviews. [2] The CUC considered whether to suggest modifications to the peer review for the upcoming cycle 6 review. It was agree that the most important change would be to lengthen the review by 1/2 day. Based on the questionnaire summary there did not seem to be enough time to properly read and review the LP and VLP proposals in the interval between the individual panel reviews and the Big Panel review the next day. All CUC members who have served on past reviews admitted that they would be willing to serve an extra 1/2 day in order to review these properly. Therefore the CUC recommends that CXC consider adding an extra 1/2 day for the panel chairs for the Big Panel review. The CXC is taking appropriate steps in responding to the IIR observation regarding control of observer's confidential proposal information. In addition the CUC feels that the phase II budget proposal process is not onerous and therefore does not need to be modified at this time. The CUC was asked to consider whether Chandra should implement a new class of proposals for "high risk science." [3] The CUC feels that now would be a good time to implement such a category of proposals. Chandra is a mature observatory. We also note that HST has such a separate proposal category. We think it would be best that these proposals be reviewed in the individual science panels first. Then a subset of the reviewers (perhaps the deputy chairs from each panel - but NOT the panel chairs who are too busy otherwise) should convene to decide on which ones to do by merging the various science categories. Paul Green presented a summary of the performance metrics being developed to judge Chandra science across various proposal types. Harvey cautioned all that the metrics are not yet finalized nor have they been optimized. [4] The CUC appreciates that the presentation summarized work in progress. Performance metrics are the main tool to assess the science return of Chandra and have been needed for several years now, so we urge the CXC to establish a functional set of metrics quickly enough that modifications to the Chandra observing program, if indicated, can be implemented for cycle 7. Several different metrics need to be studied. For the question of VLP, LP, and GO proposals it is essential to track science productivity/impact against the proposals that were approved by the peer review (i.e., citations per total approved time for a proposal). The CXC needs to take care to include sufficient information on the sources of observations so that these comparisons can be made. The CXC should report back to the CUC on the several joint Chandra/XXX proposal opportunities (where XXX= NOAO, XMM-Newton, etc.) with basic information on the programs, such as proposal pressure, breadth of community involvement, and some assessment of the efficacy of these programs. Martin Elvis reviewed the CXC Science Data Systems (SDS) priorities, scope, status, and plans. The CUC was generally pleased with the material presented and the priorities for software development. We applaud the SDS group's clear willingness and desire to be responsive to user concerns. The CUC had requested software demos in an honest attempt to learn about cutting edge analyses of Chandra data from the experts. Overall, the demos were well done and generally well received although there was some perception by several members of the CUC that S-Lang was over-emphasized. Nevertheless, the committee would be interested in seeing more demos in the future with more concentrated emphasis on the details of the analysis tool specifically relating to the science and less emphasis on the scripting language itself. This committee has raised concerns about S-Lang for the last several meetings and the SDS group has responded each time. It is clear that the SDS group stands by its selection and use of S-Lang and has presented evidence to support this choice. Furthermore the committee itself is split on the importance of the issue. A survey of the CUC members present at the meeting revealed that all used a scripting language and that a few of us used several. Nine used some shell scripting language, seven used IDL, three Perl, and then one each used S-Lang, Python, awk, or glish. One other CUC member has tried to use S-Lang. If these numbers are representative of the Chandra user community in general, then they offer a warning, but also hope, to the SDS group. The warning is that the SDS group has not done a particularly good job at getting the community to embrace and use S-Lang. Some effort (along the lines of workshops, etc.) might be helpful. The hope is that since S-Lang is "IDL-like" it might attain wider importance in the community, which already utilizes IDL extensively. In our discussions about scripting languages and software, the CUC realized that there was a deeper, more fundamental, underlying issue at stake that can be put in stark relief merely by examining the user interface for analysis software for Chandra and XMM-Newton, the two active imaging X-ray observatories. Although all of the functional activities of the software are essentially identical (time filtering, extracting images or spectra, and so on), the software and user interface are entirely different. And we realize that Astro-E2 software and its user interface will be different still. The user communities for these missions are generally the same people, who suffer from a lack of commonality in software in two major ways: (1) project funds that are used to build an extensive new software infrastructure from the ground up are not available to users for analysis or to the community at large for the development of new missions, and (2) each new mission requires its users to learn new tasks for performing the same old routine analysis steps. [5] As one of the principal X-ray data centers in the US, the CXC in cooperation with the HEASARC should take the lead at planning for commonality of software, scripting languages, etc. across future NASA high energy astrophysics missions. Working toward commonality with ESA and JAXA/ISAS high energy astrophysics missions would be extremely valuable as well. Dan Schwartz presented plans for trends analysis oversight in response to a previous CUC request. The stated mission goal (to identify any changes in instrument performance before they occur) and the plans presented fully address the CUC concerns. Paul Plucinsky gave an update in the ACIS contamination issue and discussed the possibility for a bake-out. He asked for input from the CUC on whether the decreased low energy quantum efficiency had a deleterious impact on our own science investigations. Eight members agreed that it did have such an impact, one said no, and another abstained. [6] The CUC endorses the CXC's policy to avoid rushing into a hasty decision to carry out a bakeout, since the effect seems to be leveling off. The calibration plan (presented by Larry David) is improved from before and generally looks appropriate. Larry David reviewed the new calibration web pages and summary document. We encourage the calibration group to update this document as they work toward the Chandra calibration goals. [7] The current status of calibration has now been well represented by the calibration document and the CUC wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the calibration group to produce this document. This is a much welcome resource that should prove invaluable to users as well as to the larger Chandra community. At our next meeting the CUC would like to hear a presentation that describes the prioritized plan for how to go from the current status to the goals in order that calibration group resources are directed toward efforts that produce new calibration results for the broadest range of Chandra users. Diab Jerius spoke about efforts to model the on-axis Chandra point-spread-function. This work is impressive. Understanding the detailed imaging properties of the Chandra X-ray mirrors would result in very useful information that could be applied widely. It is clear that getting to this goal will require a concerted effort over some time and that a well formulated plan would help guide the upcoming research. [8] The CXC is clearly drawn to pursue studies of the Chandra PSF and with good reason - these are the finest X-ray mirrors ever built. Still the CUC would like to see a plan that assesses the value and direction of further detailed modeling of the Chandra PSF and that lays out some practical goals for the work. Questions to consider include: What is the precise science value to Chandra users of pursuing further work in this area? What specific science studies are not possible now and would be made feasible with further effort? Realistic observational effects (aspect reconstruction errors, event reconstruction errors, pixelation, pile-up, sub-pixel structure, source energy distributions, etc.) should be included so that the results of the work will have application to the widest range of Chandra investigations. Kester Allen gave an interesting presentation on parameterizing the Chandra PSF as a function of energy and off-axis angle. During this presentation the CUC learned that this work was largely motivated by a request from an individual Chandra user. Although the work will surely have value for many users, the way it originated caused the CUC to wonder about priorities and access to resources. [9] The CXC should look at the "big picture" questions of how priorities among various calibration activities are set and how to best use the available CXC resources for calibration and analysis activities. Jeremy Drake talked about improvements in the LETGS Dispersion relation. [10] The CUC would like to see the CXC take a similar approach to that outlined in recommendation [8] above before putting further effort into improving the LETG/HRC-S wavelength scale. The CUC would like to hear about the following topics at its next meeting: (1) EPO efforts (2) Chandra/XMM-Newton cross calibration (3) Constrained and coordinated observations: How many observations are actually constrained and in what category (e.g., approved by peer review, preferences expressed on forms, constraints added by users after their programs were approved, DDT observations, etc.). What is the appropriate overall number of constrained observations (health and safety vs. scientific value), and how many should be given out by the peer review vs. DDT. This should include discussion of the load on CXC planning and operating staff. Can the constraints be changed for the ease of users (e.g., allow setting time constraints in GST). Written by Jack Hughes, Chair CUC (20 February, 2004)