In the final presentation of the day (late addition to the agenda),
Mike Nowak presented statistics related to the fraction of awarded
GO targets and GO observing time that is allocated to grating
observations. Concern was expressed that the "expensive" nature of
spectroscopic grating observations results in a bias against such
observations being awarded by the peer review. While the CUC is
sympathetic to this issue, it does not recommend any solution that
side-steps the peer review process (e.g., we do not recommend a
special block of time set aside for spectroscopic observations). We
do, however, strongly support efforts to increase the community
awareness of the importance of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy
through, for example, special sessions at October's HEAD meeting.
The CUC continues to be extremely satisfied by its interactions with
the CXC. The CXC's support of the Chandra observatory and associated
programs is consistently of the highest quality.
The CUC is also extremely pleased by the responsiveness of the CXC to
previous CUC recommendations and requests. Most recently, the
implementation of the 2-year initial GO award is most welcome and the
CDOs office is to be commended for overcoming the administrative
hurdles required to make this happen. Furthermore, all of the
specific CUC queries send to the CXC prior to this meeting were
addressed thoroughly and professionally.
On the basis of the presentations and subsequent committee discussion,
we have a number of specific suggestions and recommendations for the CXC.
1) Prioritizing the Chandra Source Catalog : The CSC is an important
part of the scientific output of the Chandra observatory and we
commend the work that has been performed to date. We believe that
the Level-3 review panel was extremely useful and strongly endorse
the recommendations of this panel. The CUC remains concerned,
however, about the timetable/schedule for the first release of this
catalog. It seems like this important project has been relegated to
that of a "spare time project" for the SDS group resulting in large
uncertainties about the release date.
The CUC urges the CXC/SDS to take a serious look at the
prioritization of the catalog in relation to the other on-going
projects pursued by the SDS group. While the CUC fully acknowledges
(and entirely supports) that spacecraft operations and basic data
analysis needs must take priority, it is unclear that some of the
other projects consuming the SDS group's time (e.g., the
Sherpa/CHIPs update) demand a higher priority than the source
2) Communication of basic technical information to the peer review
panel : The concern has been raised that some members of the Chandra
peer review committees may be applying incorrect preconceptions
about the capabilities of Chandra, especially in comparison with XMM
and Suzaku, and that this may affect the review of some proposals.
It was felt that this is especially a concern for spectroscopic
(grating) proposals. The CUC recommends that, starting in the
Cycle-8 review, the CXC produces a simple one-page technical
description showing, for example, plots of the effective area and
spectral resolutions of the various instruments/modes of Chandra,
XMM and Suzaku. This sheet should be distributed to the proposal
reviewers along with the proposals, and should be widely available
(in hard-copy format) at the time of the review. The CUC requests
that a draft of this sheet be provided to the CUC at the time of the
written CXC response.
3) Announcement of future CUC meetings via the Chandra bulletin : Based
on the small number of community complaints received by the CUC, we
believe that the community is basically satisfied with all aspects
of the Chandra program. However, the CUC would like to maximize the
feedback received from the community. Thus, the CUC recommends that
an announcement of future CUC meetings be made to the Chandra
community (most likely through the Chandra Bulletin). The
announcement should be at least 4-6 weeks prior to the meeting
thereby allowing new agenda items to be added as necessary. The
announcement should list the names and email addresses of the
current CUC members as well as provide a link to the CUC website.
4) Better definition of the cross calibration efforts : As stated
above, the CUC is pleased to see continued and systematic
cross-calibration activities with XMM. However, based on the
concerns raised above, the CUC recommends that the calibration team
and the cross-calibration team formulate a strategy for the
(eventual) integration of their respective works and that this
strategy be included in the Fall 2006 presentations to the CUC.
Furthermore, it is unclear that the current cross-calibration
efforts are being guided by a consideration of what is most useful
for the "real" user. The work currently being performed is most
relevant for those users who are performing a direct joint fit of
XMM and Chandra-grating spectra. A more common occurence, however,
will be a user who wishes to compare the flux and spectral fit
parameters from XMM and Chandra observations taken at different
epochs. It is important that the cross calibration efforts serve
this type of user as well by quantifying the systematic errors on
the flux and spectral parameters.