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Items from January 02 CUC
Occasionally a few datasets are delivered well beyond the mean lag of 7 days. We suggest that each OBSID has a built-in alarm so that the appropriate scientists are informed when an OBSID has been unduly delayed.
- The archive group has installed a script which checks the automated processing (AP) status for observations which have been in the queue for a week or more. The duty scientist is notified of all such observations. In addition DS has implemented monthly manual checks of the AP status tables for observations which have been received but for which processing has not completed.
We recommend that more channels be opened by which either the Director or the CXC Outreach office can learn of potentially interesting results. Possibilities include charging CUC members to take some responsibility for identifying potentially appropriate science results and sensitizing PIs of successful large proposals of this issue.
- The CXC has reached agreement on a plan with MSFC and HQ to increase the resources in the Education and Public Outreach area. An important task for the new resources will be to address this issue.