HRC PSF Software and Method

Currently, the HRC PSF analysis consists of X and Y projection plots with calculated FWHM (empirical and simple gaussian fits), and Encircled Energy plots -- for XRCF data only. The highest fidelity HRMA/HRC model available is provided by the combination of SAOSAC and MARX simulation software packages. We are in the process of simulating all the data, and will add the results of the subsequent comparison to the product webpages. The comparison of the Simulations with XRCF data (and the future On-Orbit Calibration data) will be useful for fine-tuning the HRMA/HRC model.

The Software to do these analyses is listed below

HRC Analysis Software SAOSAC+MARX

and can be found in: /data/aschrc5/pease/archive/PSF/Programs/

HRC PSF Analysis Software (IDL/Perl)

Perl wrapper:
IDL Software:

We thank the ACIS PSF Analysis Team (A. Ware, B.R. McNamara, and B. Zacher) for the use of their IDL software which we have modified extensively for analysis of the HRC data.

Simulation software (SAOSAC and MARX):

We have been working on simulating the data by employing the MST Raytrace Programs -- which model the HRMA -- with the MARX HRC simulator.