
Please see the ChangeLog file for more information on any code changes.

V 7.42
V 7.41
V 7.4
V 7.33
V 7.32
V 7.31
V 7.3

Algorithmic changes/ Bug Fixes

The problem associated with pileup features not being placed at the correct channel numbers has been fixed. See the March 4, 1988 ChangeLog file entry for more information.

The falling tail has been moved to the high-energy side of the main peak. See the March 4, 1988 ChangeLog file entry for more information.

Previously, the program crashed when the energy offset had large values, and the continuum cutoff was drastically affected when the energy offset was nonzero. See the May 12, 1998 ChangeLog file entry for more information.

Corrected the width of pileup peaks. the pileup calculation is done on the fano-broadened spectrum, and the electronic boadening is done after the pileup calculations. See the June 26, 1998 ChangeLog file entry for more information.