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ACIS Bad Pixels and Columns for FP temperature = -120 C

R. Edgar
Release date: 06/28/01
Last updated: 06/28/01


Previous releases:
In the process of making event lists for the ACIS background, Maxim Markevich has identified a number of bad pixels and/or columns on the ACIS chips operating at -120 C. This proposed list has been examined, compared with a similar list based on Bev LaMarr's examination of bias frames, and a final list was agreed to.

The details follow:

Making a bad pixel/bad column list:

[1] Look at Maxim's images by eye and flag bad columns and pixels, grading the columns strong/weak/very weak/node boundary/flight.

[2] make histograms vs. chipx and list columns greater than + 2 sigma. This is the mk_chipx_histo.csh script. Compare in detail. Also compare to Bev's criticisms. Edit list by hand (this procedure doesn't do very well at limited chipy extents, for instance).

[2a] Get everyone to agree on the list (Maxim, Bev, cc: Mark Bautz).

[3] Glenn asked for 1-1024 in chipy instead of 2-1023 as Maxim had.

[4] Turns out the tool adds padding around bad pixels/columns, so remove that from the list. Also add a flag field so I can remember what's going on, include everything, and then strip out only the real bad columns to send to Glenn.

[5] extract using

row < badpix_C_200922_full.rdb Note eq W or Note eq S or Note eq BP

for Glenn. Note column is S (strong) W (weak) VW (very weak), F (Flight), FB (Flight boundary), NB (Node boundary), or BP (bad pixel). This gives only the bad columns (strong or weak) and bad pixels, and no node boundaries and no next-to-bad columns.

The list of flight software excluded bad pixels is then added to this file, called badpix_C_200922.rdb.

Following is the file delivered to SDS/Glenn Allen for generation of the CALDB entry.

* Note: CHIPX0, CHIPX1, CHIPY0, and CHIPY1 are the boundaries of a rectangle defining a region of bad pixels. For a single pixel, CHIPX0=CHIPX1 and CHIPY0=CHIPY1

RDB format of Bad Pixel table: badpix_2001_06_08_list.rdb
ASCII format of Bad Pixel table: badpix_2001_06_08_list.txt

Bad Pixels Table
0 FI I0 F 717311024
0 FI I0 W 797911024
0 FI I0 S 818111024
0 FI I0 S 959511024
0 FI I0 W 16516511024
0 FI I0 W 22622611024
0 FI I0 W 48448411024
0 FI I0 W 58058011024
0 FI I0 S 1010101011024
0 FI I0 S 1015101511024
0 FI I0 BP 303303253253
1 FI I1 W 545411024
1 FI I1 W 979711024
1 FI I1 F 30330311024
1 FI I1 F 40940911024
1 FI I1 W 52152111024
1 FI I1 W 55855811024
1 FI I1 W 58358311024
1 FI I1 W 69169111024
1 FI I1 W 70470411024
1 FI I1 S 1008100811024
1 FI I1 BP 5335333333
2 FI I2 W 232311024
2 FI I2 W 12712711024
2 FI I2 S 13413411024
2 FI I2 W 16216211024
2 FI I2 W 43743711024
2 FI I2 W 54854811024
2 FI I2 S 55955911024
2 FI I2 W 57057211024
2 FI I2 W 67167111024
2 FI I2 W 69969911024
2 FI I2 W 81881811024
2 FI I2 W 93093011024
2 FI I2 S 1018101811024
3 FI I3 W 47447411024
3 FI I3 W 49249211024
4 BI S0 W 9911024
4 BI S0 S 393911024
4 BI S0 S 10710711024
4 BI S0 W 16216211024
4 BI S0 S 19719711024
4 BI S0 S 36336311024
4 BI S0 S 48848811024
4 BI S0 S 50750711024
4 BI S0 W 54454411024
4 BI S0 S 58658611024
4 BI S0 W 60160111024
4 BI S0 S 62862811024
4 BI S0 W 83983911024
4 BI S0 S 86286211024
4 BI S0 S 87687611024
4 BI S0 W 89089011024
4 BI S0 S 95695611024
4 BI S0 S 96896811024
5 FI S1 S 233233313322
5 FI S1 S 233251313313
5 FI S1 S 67167111024
5 FI S1 BP 161161206206
5 FI S1 BP 226226564564
5 FI S1 BP 341341427427
5 FI S1 BP 367367497497
5 FI S1 BP 607607281281
5 FI S1 BP 716716718718
5 FI S1 BP 10221023166167
5 FI S1 F 383383585585
5 FI S1 F 792792351351
6 FI S2 S 585811024
6 FI S2 S 58558511024
6 FI S2 W 68368311024
6 FI S2 W 1003100311024
7 BI S3 F 4964984411024
7 BI S3 S 497497140
7 BI S3 W 7387389731024
8 FI S4 W 2211024
8 FI S4 W 5511024
8 FI S4 W 202011024
8 FI S4 W 252511024
8 FI S4 S 333311024
8 FI S4 W 45345311024
8 FI S4 W 51451411024
8 FI S4 W 51651611024
8 FI S4 S 54154111024
8 FI S4 W 63263211024
8 FI S4 W 87687611024
8 FI S4 W 91091011024
8 FI S4 S 95295211024
8 FI S4 W 96696611024
8 FI S4 W 1007100711024
8 FI S4 BP 6036032323
9 FI S5 W 939311024
9 FI S5 W 32832811024
9 FI S5 S 40940911024
9 FI S5 W 96296211024

Thanks to Bev LaMarr, Maxim Markevitch, and Mark Bautz for their help and advice.

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Last modified: 11/15/10

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