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Chandra Electronic Bulletin No. 12
             |                                            |
             |              CCC  XX   XX    OOO           |
Chandra      |             CC     XX XX    OO OO          | CXC
Electronic   |            CC       XXX    OO   OO         | Number 12
Bulletin     |             CC     XX XX    OO OO          | March
             |              CCC  XX   XX    OOO           | 2002
             |                                            |

Welcome to the Chandra X-ray Center's Electronic News Bulletin Number 12.

CXC Web site: cxc.harvard.edu

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to let us know.  

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1. Fourth Chandra/CIAO Workshop:  20-22 May 2002

2. Color Illustrations in Proposals 

3. Roll Angle Preferences    


Item 1. Fourth Chandra/CIAO Workshop:  20-22 May 2002

             First Announcement
          4th Chandra/CIAO Workshop
            20-22 May 2002
   Chandra X-ray Center, Cambridge Mass, USA

  Following the success of the previous Chandra/CIAO workshops, the
Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is announcing the fourth in a series of
workshops aimed at helping users to work with the Chandra Interactive
Analysis of Observations (CIAO) software. 

  CIAO is the CXC software developed for the analysis of Chandra data.
However, CIAO is non-mission specific (apart from a few instrument
tools). More info on CIAO can be found at http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/. 

  This workshop will be based on CIAO 2.2.1, which was released in the
December 2001, or any software patch available at that time. A summary
of the features in the CIAO2.2 software can be found in the release
notes (http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao/documents_releasenotes.html). 

  The fourth workshop will be held at the Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge, MA (USA) on May 20-22, 2002. Further workshops will be
organized depending on demand. 

  Details of the program will be sent to registered participants and
posted on the CIAO Workshop web site at

  The program will include:


Introductory and Advanced Talks on X-ray Data Analysis and Statistics 
Calibration and Aspect Issues Related to Data Analysis 
Beginner and Advanced CIAO talks and demos 
Advanced sessions on specific topics: grating analysis, extended source
analysis, etc. 


Workstations will be available for participants to gain hands-on
experience using CIAO on Chandra data. 
Members of the CIAO team will be on hand to solve problems. 
Sample Chandra data sets will be provided for attendees who do not have
(or do not wish to use) their own Chandra data sets. 

  Potential participants may look at all the handouts made available to
the participants during the November 2001 or previous workshops,
together with viewgraphs and scripts from talks and demos, on the
workshop Web site Handouts and Presentations page.

  We are working to allow the largest possible attendance and we are
expecting to accept the first 25 to 30 registered participants. 

  If you would like to participate please cut the following registration
form and send it to cxchelp@head-cfa.harvard.edu. 

Antonella Fruscione and the CIAO workshop organizing team

-------------CUT HERE AND SEND TO cxchelp@head-cfa.harvard.edu---------

Name :

Institution :

E-mail address :

Telephone number :

Have you ever analysed X-ray data before?  
  Einstein ___
  ROSAT ___
  ASCA  ___
  SAX   ___
  XMM   ___

If yes, what software did you use the most?

Have you used CIAO before?

What kind of data analysis are you most interested in learning 
(e.g. source detection in deep-fields, grating analysis of stars,
grating analysis of AGNs, imaging spectroscopy of extented sources,

Would you like to analyse you own Chandra data 
(if yes please specify obsid)?


Item 2.  Color Illustrations in Proposals 

There have been questions concerning the submission of proposals with
color illustrations.  It is possible to submit a science justification
with color.  You must send 20 hardcopies of the complete proposal
(so the CXC does not have to print and compile them).  Note that 
you must also submit the complete proposal (target pages and science 
justification) electronically.  Our proposal archive is electronic
and B&W illustrations will be OK here.

Proposals with color illustrations (20 copies) should be mailed to: 

Chandra Directors Office
     Mail Stop 4
     Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
     60 Garden Street
     Cambridge, MA 02138-1516

Hard-copy proposals must be received on or before 15 March 2002. 


Item 3.  Roll Angle Preferences

The Science Operations Group suggests you consider 
indicating roll angle preferences in your proposal submission
if the science, while not critically dependent on roll, would
be substantially enhanced if performed within a specific roll
range. For example, a roll preference might help avoid contamination
of a faint feature by the readout streak (out-of-time
events) from a nearby bright source. Possible examples include jets, 
gravitational lenses, nearby galaxies, and crowded fields. 

Typically these preferences result in relatively small 
time intervals when the observations should not be performed.
Our experience has been that sometimes when Observers 
find out the actual schedule of their target, they request
a change of roll angle, which means a change in when the observation
can be scheduled. Even when possible, such changes are a burden
to the difficult process of generating optimally efficient 
schedules. Requesting a preference (not a constraint) in 
your initial proposal imposes no penalty against selection, and
increases your chances of maximal science return, although 
there is no guarantee that a roll preference can be accomodated.

If a particular roll angle is critical to your observation, then 
it should be specified as a roll constraint, not a preference.
All roll (and time) constrained obsevations are subject to
a limit of no more than 20% of the total observing program. 


This Electronic Bulletin is used for the dissemination of important
announcements and information about the Chandra X-Ray Observatory to members
of the community. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, simply reply to
this email to let us know.

Last modified: 12/03/10

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.    Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu
Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2004. All rights reserved.