[Normal Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies -- Oral ]
Chandra observations of AGN Outbursts in "normal" Early-type
Christine Jones, SAO
W. Forman (SAO), E. Churazov (MAP,IKI), R. Kraft (SAO), P. Nulsen (SAO), D. Lal (SAO), S. Murray (SAO)
Most galaxies harbor a supermassive black hole at their
center. At high redshifts, these galaxies experienced a very active
phase, when these black holes produced enormous amounts of energy,
likely fueled through galaxy mergers. Today, some of these supermassive
black holes still undergo occasional outbursts that are seen through
spectacular jets, cavities and buoyant bubbles and shocks in the surrounding
X-ray gas. This paper describes Chandra results for a sample of ~200
galaxies for which we measure the X-ray properties, including the X-ray
emission from the supermassive black hole at the nucleus, as well as
emission from the diffuse gas, stars and LMXB's. We compare the X-ray
and radio emission from the nucleus to the kinetic power of the outbursts
as measured from the X-ray cavities found in the diffuse gas.