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Modeling the X-ray emission from jets observed with Chandra
Rosaria Bonito, DSFA-UNIPA-INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo
R. Bonito (DSFA-UNIPA-INAF-OAPA), S. Orlando (INAF-OAPA), G. Peres ( DSFA-UNIPA-INAF-OAPA), F. Favata(European Space Agency, 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, 75015 Paris, France), M. Miceli (DSFA-UNIPA-INAF-OAPA), J. Eisloffel ( Thüringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg)
In the last decade, X-rays from jets have been discovered
thanks to the unprecedented resolving power of Chandra. The first
convincing evidence of X-ray jets came from HH2 (2000), HH154 following
shortly thereafter. Whilemore sources were detected later, HH154 remains a unique source being
the nearest and the most luminous among the nearest jets: the details of
the relevant X-ray morphology can be studied to a level impossible with
more distant objects.Our group has investigated the mechanisms of X-ray emission from jets
both analyzing multi-epochs Chandra data of HH154 and developing numerical
models of jets where X-rays are generated by jets shocking onto the
circumstellar medium. The analysis of Chandra data of HH 154 in different
epochs allowed us to study for the first time the morphology and the
evolution of the X-ray source on a time scale of 4years. We found that the source consists of an unresolved, point-like
component with no detectable proper motion and an elongated component
with a proper motion consistent with a shock moving away from the parent
star.We present here the comparison between the Chandra observations of HH
jets and our hydrodynamic model of a randomly ejected pulsed jet which
reproduces the knotty morphology observed.