Program Schedule

Tuesday, Oct 23

Opening and Welcome
8:30am Martin Weisskopf
Chandra Project Science
8:35am Dave King
MSFC Management
8:30am Jon Morse
HQs Astrophysics Division<
Solar System
9:00am Konrad Dennerl (MPE) [Invited]
X-rays from Comets, Venus and Mars
9:30am Ronald Elsner (NASA MSFC)
The Morphology of the X-ray Emission above 2 keV from Jupiter's Aurora
Normal Stars
Chair: Leisa Townsley
9:45am Rachel Osten (University of Maryland/NASA GSFC) [Invited]
Who's Afraid of a Stellar Superflare?
10:15am Kenji Hamaguchi (NASA/GSFC/ASD)
Spatially resolving X-ray emission from a Class I Pre-Main Sequence Binary System
10:30am Scott Wolk (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory)
Chandra Spitzer and VLA observations of Young Stellar Clusters.
10:45am Break
Normal-Galaxy Populations
Chair: Mike Garcia
11:15am Franz Bauer (Columbia University) [Invited]
A Legacy Study of Stellar Lifecycles in the Galactic Center
11:45am Benjamin Williams (University of Washington) [Invited]
The Chandra ACIS Survey of M33 (ChASeM33)
12:15am Douglas Swartz (NASA/MSFC)
Do Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources Exist in Dwarf Galaxies?
12:30pm Break
Surveys & AGN Searches
Chair: Ann Hornschemeier
1:30pm Marcella Brusa (Max Planck Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE - Garching), UMBC) [Invited]
Stacking photons in deep and large X-ray surveys
2:00pm Simonetta Puccetti (ASI Science Data Center (ASDC)-INAF)
Chandra COSMOS Survey Analysis
2:20pm Smita Mathur (The Ohio State University)
Demographics of black holes in nearby galaxies.
2:35pm Elena Gallo (UCSB)
AMUSE-Virgo: on the survival of super-massive black holes in faint spheroids
2:50pm Gregory Sivakoff (The Ohio State University)
Searching for AGN in the Outskirts of Clusters
3:05pm Paul Martini (The Ohio State University)
The AGN Butcher-Oemler Effect
3:20pm Break
Galaxies & ISM
Chair: Jelle Kaastra
3:50pm Ann Hornschemeier (NASA GSFC)
Comparing X-ray emission from Ultraviolet-Luminous Galaxies and Lyman Break Galaxies
4:05pm Jimmy Irwin (University of Michigan)
The Low Metallicity ISM of X-ray Faint Elliptical Galaxies
4:20pm Yangsen Yao (MIT)
Limits on Hot Galactic Halo Gas from X-ray Absorption Lines
Chair: Dan Patnaude
4:35pm Cara Rakowski (Naval Research Lab (NRC fellow)) [Invited]
Shock Physics in SNRs: an observational perspective
5:05pm Daniel Dewey (MIT Kavli Institute)
HETG spectral-imaging of SN 1987A
5:25pm Stefan Immler (NASA/CRESST GSFC)
X-Ray Emission from Supernovae as Probes of Stellar Environments
5:40pm Stephen Reynolds (North Carolina State University)
A Deep Chandra Observation of Kepler's Supernova Remnant: An Anomalous Type Ia Supernova
6:00pm Adjourn Day-1 oral sessions
6:00pm Poster reception

Wednesday, Oct 24

SNR, GRB, & Isolated NS
Chair: Chryssa Kouveliotou
8:30am Alicia Soderberg (Princeton University) [Invited]
An X-ray View of the GRB-SN Connection
8:45am Dirk Grupe (Pennsylvania State University)
The late-time light curves of GRB X-ray afterglows with Chandra
9:00am Patrick Slane (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
Chandra and Spitzer Constraints on the Evolution of G54.1+0.3 and 3C 58
9:15am ANNE LEMIERE (CFA-Harvard)
9:30am Werner Becker (MPE-Garching)
X-ray emission properties of old pulsars
9:50am Victoria Kaspi (McGill University)
Target-of-Opportunity Chandra Observations of Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
10:20am Break
Chair: Victoria Kaspi
10:50am LI JI (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research)
Properties of the Accretion Disk Corona in Her X-1
11:05am Tim Kallman (NASA/GSFC, Laboratory for X-ray Astrophysics)
HETG Observations of AC211 in the Globular Cluster M15
11:20am Michael McCollough (SAO)
Cygnus X-3's "Little" Friend
11:35am Naoki Isobe (RIKEN)
Spectral transition of an ultra-luminous X-ray source, NGC 2403 Source 3
11:50am Norbert S. Schulz (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research)
Warm Absorbers in Galactic X-ray Binaries
12:05pm Lunch Break
Nick White & Harvey Tananbaum
Constellation-X Town Hall
Chair: Gordon Garmire
1:35pm Yasunobu Uchiyama (ISAS/JAXA) [Invited]
Resolved jets in quasars and radio galaxies
2:05pm Eric Perlman (Florida Institute of Technology)
Insights on Jet Physics & High Energy Emission Processes from Optical Polarimetry
2:20pm George Chartas (Penn State)
Imaging AGN using gravitational microlensing
2:35pm Guido Risaliti (SAO)
Chandra and XMM monitoring of NGC 1365: unveiling the structure of the compact circumnuclear absorber
2:50pm Daniel Evans (Harvard University)
Probing Unification With Chandra and XMM-Newton Imaging and Spectroscopic Observations of NGC 2110
3:05pm Break
AGN interaction with host galaxy
Chair: Dan Evans
3:35pm Ralph Kraft (SAO)
A Deep Chandra Observation of Centaurus A
3:55pm William Forman (SAO)
Modeling the Supermassive Black Hole Driven Shocks in M87
4:10pm William Forman (SAO)
Modeling the Supermassive Black Hole Driven Shocks in M87
4:25pm Alessandro Baldi (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
The unusual X-ray morphology of NGC 4636: cavities, off-center outbursts and shocks revealed by deep Chandra observations
4:40m Adjourn Day-2 oral sessions
6:00pm Symposium Dinner at Museum of Art

Thursday, Oct 24

8:30am Frederick Baganoff (MIT Kavli Institute)
How Luminous Was the Galactic Supermassive Black Hole in the Past?
Clusters of Galaxies
Chair: Max Bonamente
9:00am Julie McEnery (NASA/GSFC) [Invited]
X-ray opportunities with GLAST
9:30am Brian McNamara (University of Waterloo) [Invited]
Feedback in Clusters of Galaxies
9:45am Jan M. Vrtilek (Center for Astrophysics)
X-ray and radio observations of galaxy groups: the history of AGN heating
10:00am Break
Chair: Larry David
10:45am Jack Burns (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Why Do Only Some Galaxy Clusters Have Cool Cores?
11:15am Marshall Bautz (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research) [Invited]
Toward cluster cosmology: A review of observational problems, progress and prospects
11:30am Adam Mantz (KIPAC/Stanford)
Constraints on dark energy from the observed growth of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters
11:45am Max Bonamente (UA - Huntsville)
Scaling Relations from Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and Chandra X-ray measurements of high-redshift galaxy clusters
Conclusion and Thanks
12:00pm Harvey Tananbaum
Chandra X-ray Center
12:05pm Adjourn Day-3 oral sessions
12:05pm Symposium end