Young stars and Educational outreach -- Oral Presentation

Large magnetic structures in YSO in Orion

Fabio Favata, European Space Agency

The COUP (Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project) observation of the ONC has for the first time allowed to observe in detail long (up to a few days) flaring events in YSOs. One of the key results of the study of the COUP flares is the existence of a number of flaring events whose spectral evolution implies very long confining magnetic structures, up to 5 stellar radii. Many X-ray flares in more evolved stars have been studied in the past, and in all cases the flaring corona is compact, confined to a fraction of the stellar radius from the photosphere. Very large magnetic structures are thus unique to young stellar objects, which are typically surrounded by accretion disks. From stability considerations (linked to the large rotational velocity of these YSOs) the large flaring structures are likely linking the star with the inner rim of the circumstellar disk. Such magnetic structures are predicted by the magnetospheric accretion scenario, and flaring X-ray emission from them was predicted in the Shu et al. `X-wind' model. The COUP flares are the first opportunity to determine the size of these magnetic structures and the intensity of the magnetic field. We will present an overview of the results from the COUP flare analysis and a detailed analysis of the evolution of the most notable of the COUP flaring events.