ISM -- Oral Presentation

Phases and Processes in The ISM

Bruce Elmegreen, IBM Watson Research Center

Observations with the three Great Observatories reveal the intricacy of the phase structure of the ISM. Galaxy-scale maps of molecules, atoms, and dust, all with a wide range of temperatures, suggest heat sources primarily from starlight, supersonic expansions, and cosmic rays. ISM motions have similar energy sources, in addition to self-gravity and galactic scale processes like shear, spiral waves, and interactions. The structure of the ISM is mostly determined by the motions, and is therefore a superposition of cavities and shells from the expansions, along with spiral and globular clouds from a combination of shear, self-gravity, and spiral arm shocks. There is also a pervasive fractal hierarchy of cloudy structure from supersonic turbulence wherever the more directed forces are not dominant. The connections between these ISM phases and star formation will be discussed.