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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Introduction to the Sherpa S-Lang Module


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


The Sherpa S-Lang module is an extension to Sherpa that allows one to employ its full capabilities from within a S-Lang script or another S-Lang-enabled application (such as ChIPS). This thread provides an introduction to the module via some example applications.

Read this thread if:

You want to be able to customize and extend Sherpa via S-Lang functions and scripts or use Sherpa's functionality in another S-Lang-enabled application.

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The Sherpa S-Lang module allows the user to employ Sherpa's full functionality from within a S-Lang script or another S-Lang-enabled application (such as ChIPS). This permits one to enhance other applications with Sherpa's features and (more importantly) to extend the capabilties of Sherpa beyond its design without altering Sherpa itself. Hence, the Sherpa S-Lang module lets the user break free of the "black box" model and enhance Sherpa to meet his or her specific needs.

This thread introduces the Sherpa S-Lang module by guiding the user through some basic examples of its use. It also provides example scripts that users may download and modify to suit their own needs. For more examples of scripts that use the Sherpa module, see the Sherpa section of the CIAO scripts page. For an introduction to the S-Lang programming language, see A Guide to the S-Lang Language.

The Sherpa S-Lang module is available automatically within a Sherpa session and in scripts run by the sherpa executable. To use the module in external applications, one must load it using the import function. For example, within ChIPS:

chips> import("sherpa")

Or, within an slsh script:

unix% more myscript 
#!/usr/bin/env slsh


For more information on driving Sherpa with S-Lang scripts, see the Sherpa and Scripts thread.

Fitting a PHA Spectrum

As our first example, we will perform a basic fit to a PHA spectrum. The data and procedure are identical to those used in the Introduction to Fitting PHA Spectra thread. However, we will perform the fit using only functions from the Sherpa S-Lang module.

Loading Data and Responses

To begin, we load the spectrum file using load_dataset:

sherpa> load_dataset("3c273.pi")

Notice that "1" was printed to the screen. This is the return value of the function; "1" indicates success, while "0" would indicate failure (e.g. if the file did not exist). In scripts, you should usually check a function's return value, as a failure condition generally means that a script must abort or enter an error-handling mode. Here, we will simply discard return values using the syntax "() = ...". For example, we could have discarded the "1" returned by load_dataset as follows:

sherpa> () = load_dataset("3c273.pi")

Note that the type and meaning of return values differ between functions, and some functions return nothing at all. For more information on return values for a particular function, see the function's ahelp file.

Since header keywords in the file 3c273.pi specify associated RMF, ARF, and background files, load_dataset automatically loads these files and establishes an appropriate instrument model. We can verify this by issuing the SHOW command:

sherpa> SHOW

Optimization Method: Levenberg-Marquardt
Statistic:           Chi-Squared Gehrels

Input data files:

Data 1: /data/sherpa/pha_intro/3c273.pi.
Total Size: 46 bins (or pixels)
Dimensions: 1
Total counts (or values): 736
Exposure: 38564.61 sec
Count rate: 0.019 cts/sec
  Backscal: 2.526436e-06

  Background 1: /data/sherpa/pha_intro/3c273_bg.pi.
  Total Size: 1024 bins (or pixels)
  Dimensions: 1
  Total counts (or values): 216
  Exposure: 38564.61 sec
  Count rate: 0.006 cts/sec
  Backscal: 1.872535e-05

  The data are NOT background subtracted.

Defined analysis model stacks:

instrument source 1 = respo2
instrument back 1 = respo2

Defined instrument model components:

    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1    rmf string: "3c273.rmf" (N_E=1090,N_PHA=1024)
 2    arf string: "3c273.arf" (N_E=1090)

Filtering Data and Subtracting Background

Next, we establish an energy filter (selecting energies in the range 0.1-6.0 keV) using the set_notice function and subtract the background data using set_subtract:

sherpa> () = set_notice(,0.1,6.0) 
sherpa> () = set_subtract

Note that in the set_notice call, a comma appears before 0.1. This is necessary because set_notice actually takes three parameters: dataset number, lower bound, and upper bound. If the first parameter is empty (as above), the dataset number defaults to 1.

Defining a Source Model

To establish a source model, we use the function set_source_expr:

sherpa> () = set_source_expr("xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1]")

This creates the specified source model using the default parameter values for each model component. Note that set_source_expr does not prompt for parameter values, regardless of the setting of PARAMPROMPT.

Next, we set the hydrogen column density in the abs model component (with set_par) and freeze the component (with set_frozen):

sherpa> () = set_par("abs.nh","value",0.07)
sherpa> () = set_frozen("abs")

We can verify that the source model has indeed been established using SHOW:

sherpa> SHOW source
(abs * p1)
xsphabs[abs]  (XSPEC model name: phabs)  (integrate: off)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1     nH frozen      7e-02      1e-07         10    10**22 atoms/cm**2
powlaw1d[p1]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1  gamma thawed          1        -10         10                      
 2    ref frozen          1     0.1248     5.9057                      
 3   ampl thawed 7.9256e-06 7.9256e-08 7.9256e-04


We now fit the model using the function run_fit:

sherpa> good = run_fit
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 355.854
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 37.9079 at iteration 10
            p1.gamma  2.1585     
            p1.ampl  0.000224838     

Examining Fit Results

After performing the fit, run_fit calls get_goodness, which returns a S-Lang structure that contains information about the quality of the fit. We have stored this structure in a S-Lang variable named good (the name is arbitrary) and can display its contents using the Varmm function print:

sherpa> print(good)
dataset          =  1
datatype         =  source
stat             =  37.9079
numbins          =  44
dof              =  42
rstat            =  0.902569
qval             =  0.651155

We can also access individual fields of the good structure using the syntax <structname>.<fieldname>. For example, we can store the statistic value in a S-Lang variable named statval and save it for future use:

sherpa> statval = good.stat
sherpa> print(statval)

Since run_fit returns goodness-of-fit information automatically, there is no need to issue the GOODNESS command. For more information on using fit results, see the thread "Accessing fit results using S-Lang".

We can obtain confidence intervals for our model parameters using run_cov, the S-Lang equivalent of the COVARIANCE command:

sherpa> conf = run_cov

Computed for sherpa.cov.sigma = 1
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
            p1.gamma          2.1585  -0.0827851      +0.0827851    
            p1.ampl      0.000224838  -1.48256e-05    +1.48256e-05  

run_cov returns an array of structures, which we have stored in the variable conf. Each element of the array contains the confidence interval for one parameter, which we can display using print:

sherpa> print(conf[0])
name             =  p1.gamma
val              =  2.1585
vlo              =  2.07571
vhi              =  2.24128
sigma            =  1
sherpa> print(conf[1])
name             =  p1.ampl
val              =  0.000224838
vlo              =  0.000210012
vhi              =  0.000239663
sigma            =  1

Scripting the Procedure

Although it is entirely valid to use Sherpa module functions from the Sherpa command line (as we have done so far in this thread), they provide few advantages over traditional Sherpa commands during interactive use. The real benefit of the Sherpa S-Lang module is that it allows one to harness the full capabilities of Sherpa from within a S-Lang script.

The S-Lang script phafit.sl contains all the commands used above to fit our example spectrum:

unix% more phafit.sl
() = load_dataset("3c273.pi");
() = set_notice(,0.1,6.0);
() = set_subtract();
() = set_source_expr("xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1]");
() = set_par("abs.nh","value",0.07);
() = set_frozen("abs");
variable good = run_fit();
variable conf = run_cov();

Note that within a S-Lang script, each statement must end with a semi-colon, and variables must be declared (via the variable keyword) before use. (These requirements, which are a standard part of the S-Lang language, are relaxed at the Sherpa command line.)

To run this script from the Sherpa command line, use the evalfile function. Note that if you are still working in the same Sherpa session as above, you will have to start a new session or issue the command "ERASE ALL" before running the script:

sherpa> () = evalfile("phafit.sl")

For more information on running S-Lang scripts, see the Sherpa and Scripts thread.

Fitting and Plotting ASCII Data with Errors

As our second example, we will demonstrate more of the Sherpa module's set and get functions by reproducing part of the Introduction to Fitting ASCII Data with Errors thread. Then, we will show how the Sherpa module can be used to extend the capabilities of Sherpa by providing a S-Lang script that displays three different fits to a dataset on a single plot.

Loading Data and Errors

The ASCII data file we want to use contains three columns. The first is the independent variable (x), the second is the depedent variable (y), and the third is error in the dependent variable (yerr):

unix% more data1.dat 
0.5    1.6454   0.04114
1.5    1.7236   0.04114
2.5    1.9472   0.04114
3.5    2.2348   0.04114

None of the Sherpa module's load functions can handle a file in this format, so we will have to use set functions to load the data.

First, we read in the file using the Varmm function readfile:

sherpa> dat = readfile("data1.dat")

readfile returns a S-Lang structure that holds both "metadata" about the file (e.g. file name and format) and arrays containing the actual data columns:

sherpa> print(dat)
_filename        =  data1.dat
_path            =  /data/sherpa/basic/
_filter          =  NULL
_filetype        =  1
_header          =  NULL
_ncols           =  3
_nrows           =  11
col1             =  Float_Type[11]
col2             =  Float_Type[11]
col3             =  Float_Type[11]

For ASCII files, the column array names correspond to the order in which the columns appear in the file (col1 is the first column, col2 is the second column, etc.). We can examine the contents of a column array using the print function:

sherpa> print(dat.col1)

It is also possible to select and use individual array elements using the syntax <arrayname>[<index>]. Since S-Lang array indices start at zero, we can print the third element of the col1 array as follows:

sherpa> print(dat.col1[2])

We now have to load the data arrays into Sherpa. To do this, we use three functions: set_axes to load the independent-variable column, set_data to load the dependent-variable column, and set_errors to load the errors:

sherpa> () = set_axes(dat.col1)
sherpa> () = set_data(dat.col2)
sherpa> () = set_errors(dat.col3)

To confirm that the data have been loaded, we can issue the SHOW command:

sherpa> SHOW
Input data files:

# dataset 1 loaded via S-Lang module

Plotting the Data

We now want to plot the data. The simplest way to do this using a Sherpa module function is to call the LPLOT command via sherpa_eval:

sherpa> () = sherpa_eval("LPLOT DATA")

However, a more flexible and potentially powerful approach is to use get functions to obtain the data and the curve function to plot it. First, we obtain the dataspace, data, and errors using get_axes, get_data, and get_errors, respectively:

sherpa> x = get_axes
sherpa> y = get_data
sherpa> y_err = get_errors

get_data and get_errors return simple arrays containing the relevant data. However, get_axes returns a structure:

sherpa> print(x)
axistype         =  Channels
axisunits        =  bin
lo               =  NULL
hi               =  NULL
mid              =  Double_Type[11]

If we were using binned data (e.g. from a PHA spectrum), the mid field would be NULL, and the lo and hi fields would be arrays containing the lower and upper boundaries, respectively, for each bin. However, since we are using unbinned data, lo and hi are NULL, and mid is an array containing the independent-axis gridpoints. Since this array is all we want, we store it in the variable x, overwriting the structure returned by get_axes:

sherpa> x = x.mid

We are now ready to plot the data. To do this, we use three functions from the ChIPS S-Lang module: chips_clear to clear the plot window, curve to plot the curve, and chips_redraw to draw the plot:

sherpa> chips_clear
sherpa> () = curve(x,y,y_err)
sherpa> chips_redraw

The resulting plot [Link to Image 1: 
        Plot of data retrieved by "get" functions
      ] shows the datapoints and error bars. Although it is possible to customize the output of curve using the ChIPS state object, for now we accept the defaults.

Defining a Source Model and Fitting

Next, we define our source model and fit the data. This time, we will create the desired model component first using create_model and then make it our source model using set_source_expr:

sherpa> () = create_model("polynom1d","model1")
sherpa> () = set_source_expr("model1")

Then, we thaw the c1 parameter (first-order coefficient in our polynomial) and fit, discarding the goodness-of-fit information that run_fit returns:

sherpa> () = set_thawed("model1.c1")
sherpa> () = run_fit
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 2815.14
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 151.827 at iteration 5
        model1.c0  1.58227     
        model1.c1  0.198455     

Plotting the Fit

Finally, we wish to plot the resulting fit. First, we retrieve the data to plot using the get_mcounts function, which returns an array containing the y-values of the predicted data (i.e. an evaluation of the source model at every point on the independent axis):

sherpa> y = get_mcounts

Next, we customize the plot by setting the appropriate fields in the ChIPS state object. We choose to connect the data points with a simple, red line and remove the symbols marking individual datapoints:

sherpa> chips.curvestyle = _chips->simpleline
sherpa> chips.curvecolor = _chips->red
sherpa> chips.symbolstyle = _chips->none

Finally, we plot the curve and redraw the plot window:

sherpa> () = curve(x,y)
sherpa> chips_redraw

As expected, the plot window [Link to Image 2: 
        Plot of data and fit retrieved by "get" functions
      ] now displays both the original data and the red best-fit line corresponding to our linear source model.

Expanding the Possibilities with a Script

Although the plotting techniques described in the above sections are effective, Sherpa provides much simpler ways to create basic plots. For example, since the sherpa_eval function processes strings as if they were entered at the Sherpa command line, the easiest way to plot the above fit is to call the LPLOT command:

sherpa> () = sherpa_eval("LPLOT FIT")

However, the methods we have discussed enable us to perform more complicated tasks that are not possible with the standard Sherpa command set. Herein lies the real value of the Sherpa S-Lang module: It allows the user to extend Sherpa's functionality as needed, without having to alter Sherpa itself.

The S-Lang script polyfit.sl provides a simple example of such an extension. Building on the methods used in this section, it performs three fits to the example dataset (using polynomials of order 1, 2, and 3) and plots the data and fits in a single pane, using a different color for each fit. The script uses two functions we have not yet discussed: chips_color_value, which takes a color name (e.g. "red") and returns the numeric value associated with that color (in this case, 6), and chips_label, which draws a label on the plot window:

unix% more polyfit.sl
% Load ASCII data and errors
variable dat = readfile("data1.dat");
() = set_axes(dat.col1);
() = set_data(dat.col2);
() = set_errors(dat.col3);

% Plot data and errors
variable x = get_axes().mid;
variable y = get_data();
variable y_err = get_errors();
() = curve(x,y,y_err);

% Create source model
() = create_model("polynom1d","model1");
() = set_source_expr("model1");

% Make future curves simple lines without markers
% for individual data points
chips.curvestyle = _chips->simpleline;
chips.symbolstyle = _chips->none;

% Create array containing names of colors for fit plots
variable colors = [ "red", "green", "yellow" ];

% Store initial polynomial order
variable i = 1;

% Run fits for orders 1, 2, and 3 polynomials, and
% plot each fit in a different color

loop (3) {
    % Thaw coefficient for order i
    () = set_thawed("model1.c" + string(i));

    % Fit to order i polynomial
    () = run_fit();

    % Plot fit results, using color specified by element
    % i-1 of "colors" array
    y = get_mcounts();
    chips.curvecolor = chips_color_value(colors[i-1]);
    () = curve(x,y);

    % Add a label for this fit, in the same color as the fit
    % curve
    () = chips_label(1.0, (3.6 - 0.15*i), "Order " + string(i),
      chips.curvecolor, 1.5);

    % Use order i+1 polynomial in next iteration

% Draw the plot

You can run the script as follows (after starting a new session or issuing the command "ERASE ALL"):

sherpa> () = evalfile("polyfit.sl")
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 2815.14
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 151.827 at iteration 5
        model1.c0  1.58227     
        model1.c1  0.198455     

 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 151.827
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 59.0027 at iteration 4
        model1.c0  1.30826     
        model1.c1  0.347303     
        model1.c2  -0.0135317     

 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 59.0027
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 30.8491 at iteration 5
        model1.c0  1.49843     
        model1.c1  0.1447     
        model1.c2  0.0322936     
        model1.c3  -0.00277729     

The plot created [Link to Image 3: 
        Plot created by "polyfit.sl"
      ] shows the data, the three fit curves, and three labels whose colors match the corresponding curves. Although this is a relatively simple application of the Sherpa module, it would not be possible using only standard Sherpa commands.

A Note on sherpa_eval

The function sherpa_eval, which is part of the Sherpa S-Lang module, can be very useful in S-Lang scripts. It takes a string as its argument and interprets the string as a Sherpa command entered at the Sherpa prompt. This allows an application or script that imports the Sherpa module to execute any Sherpa command, regardless of whether it has a S-Lang equivalent.

However, when a Sherpa command does have a S-Lang equivalent, it is almost always preferrable to use the S-Lang version, rather than passing the command string to sherpa_eval. In addition to being more efficient, Sherpa S-Lang functions generally provide S-Lang-scope output data (e.g. fit results) that are impossible to obtain when using sherpa_eval.

Also, note that sherpa_eval differs from the actual Sherpa command line in that one may execute only Sherpa commands, not ChIPS commands or S-Lang statements. To execute a ChIPS command in a S-Lang script, use chips_eval.


14 Jan 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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