If the fluence exceeds a threshold, SOT and FOT members are alerted via pagers and via email. The alert message provides the measured fluence and the integrated time.
The latest ACE proton flux, and the integrated fluence, are on the top line of the Chandra snapshot display (f_ACE and F_CRM respectively), and on the SOT's ACE page.
ACE proton energy range: 130 - 214 keV
An open-ended series of thresholds, at 1E9, 3E9, 9E9, 27E9, 81E9, 243E9 etc. For each threshold, issue 3 alerts at 30 minute intervals, then increase threshold to next level. Reset orbit fluence to zero, and reset threshold to 1E9 at the end of each orbit.
The fluence of ACE protons in the 115-195 keV energy range is integrated as a runing average over each 2 hour period. This is 24 measurments during each period. Bad measurments are dropped and the average Flux particles/cm2-s-ster-MeV is calculated.
If the fluence exceeds a threshold, SOT and FOT members are alerted via pagers and via email. The alert message provides the measured fluence and the integrated time.
ACE proton energy range: 130 - 214 keV
Fluence threshold = 50,000 protons/cm2-s-ster-MeV average over a 2
hour window (3.6e8 protons/cm2-ster-MeV).
An ACE instrument swap occurred in February 2004. The FP6p (761-1220 keV)
channel stayed the same but the P3 channel (112-187 keV) changed somewhat.
Therefore we now alert first if the fluence derived from FP6p*36.0
is greater than 1.2e8 p/cm2-ster-MeV. An alert is also sent if the new
P3 channel (115-195 keV) exceeds 3.6e8 p/cm2-ster-MeV and P3/FP6f < 36.
If the value of Kp (projected) exceeds the threshold a yellow alert is generated, SOT and FOT members are alerted via email and pager. The alert message provides the measured Kp, current S/C configuration and comm schedule. The threshold is variable on a matrix of time (by month) and configuration (grating and sim position).
The latest ACE proton flux, the integrated fluence, and Kp are on the top line of the Chandra snapshot display (f_ACE, F_CRM and Kp respectively), and on the SOT's ACE page.
RADMON will trigger SCS 107 (SI safing) if ANY of the following three EPHIN channels exceeds the on-board threshold for 10 consecutive samples. EPHIN samples are sent to the OBC each 65.6 seconds.
AS OF DEC 09, 2008: - No discrimination among electrons, protons, and nuclei will be made - All four proton channels will show 0 counts - All four electron channels will become combinations of electrons, protons and nuclei (e.g. the new E150 will be E150 + P4GM + H4GM) - The overall geometric factor will be change but will be constant (i.e. it will not toggle between large and small) - The safing channels will be E150, E1300, HRC MCP Total Rate with the following thresholds: E150 800000 counts/sample E1300 1000 counts/sample MCP Total 30 counts/sample (the relevant MSID is 2DETART) The previous thresholds (now obsolete) were: THRESHOLDS LARGE Geom SMALL Geom cts/cm^2-s-sr cts/sample cts/sample ------------- ---------- ---------- E1300 (electrons, 2.64 - 6.18 MeV): 10.0 1318.56 78.72 P4GM (protons, 5.0 - 8.3 MeV): 300.0 3542.4 3542.4 P41GM (protons, 41 - 53 MeV): 8.47 100.0 100.0