
Pyyaks is a toolkit for building data processing pipelines. The current release is an alpha version which has been tested and used internally for production processing but not tested or reviewed by others.


The pyyaks package provides a number of features that facilitate creating and running data processing pipelines. The fundamental concept of a pipeline in this context is a set of connected processing tasks that are run in order to create predefined output files from a set of input data and/or files.

Pipeline definition
Pipeline is just the code that runs between special start and stop routines. There is no requirement to have a pre-defined linear flow.
Task definition
Pipeline tasks are defined as python functions wrapped pyyaks task decorators.
Pyyaks provides a module to easily configure output logging to the screen and a file, providing consistent output control. An additional “verbose” logging level is provided as well as a way to suppress the usual trailing newline of logging output.
Error handling
Exceptions are always handled and reported and set a pipeline failure flag. Subsequent pipeline tasks can be configured to run even in the event of a previous failure.
Context values
The idea of context from template rendering engines (jinja2, django) is used in pyyaks. Pipeline variables are maintained as ContextValue objects in a global context dictionary. ContextValue objects have a modification time, preferred output formatting, and when accessed in string context are rendered by the jinja2 template engine.
File aliasing
ContextValue objects can also represent a file path with convenient access to absolute path and relative path from the current directory. This allows upfront definition of the pipeline file hierarchy.
The usual concept of dependent and target files is extended to apply also to pipeline context values. Thus a task can depend on certain context values and be required to have updated other values.
Subprocess management
Pyyaks includes a module that puts single- or multi-line bash shell scripts under pipeline control. It also provides a simple interface to the subprocess module for spawning jobs with a timeout and exception handling.
The global context dictionary of pipeline values and files makes it simple to create processing output files (e.g. HTML reports) using a template rendering engine such as jinja2.
Pyyaks applications can easily use multiprocessing to fully utilize multicore machines. An example is given in the code examples directory.


Pyyaks requires python version 2.6 or greater (including python 3). The only 3rd party module required is Jinja2, though one of the example scripts also requires the requests package.


The pyyaks package is available on github at


The example code examples/ shows the basic working structure of a pipeline implemented with pyyaks. The project here is to start from a record list of interesting astronomical sources (with name, id, position, image catalog) and generate HTML pages with the basic source information and an image retrieved from the HEASARC Skyview web server.


Import modules

The pyyaks package provides five key modules. The only required module is pyyaks.task which provides the base tools for constructing a pipeline.

import pyyaks.task       # Pipeline definition and execution
import pyyaks.logger     # Output logging control
import pyyaks.context    # Template rendering to provide context values
import      # Sub-process control e.g. spawning shell commands
import pyyaks.fileutil   # File utilities

Initialize source data

Initialize the list of records describing the sources to be processed. More typically this type of data would come from an input file.

source_cols = ('id', 'ra_hms',     'dec_dms',      'name',          'size', 'survey')
sources =    ((100, "10 45 03.59", "-59 41 04.24", "Eta Carinae",   1.0,   "DSS"),
              (101, "12 18 56.40", "+14 23 59.21 ", "Nice Galaxy",  3.0,   "DSS"),

Initialize context dictionary to hold source information

This key step initializes a persistent global “context dictionary” that is used to capture the properties of the source currently being processed. A context dictionary is a modified python dictionary containing context value objects. Further explanation and examples of this key concept are found in the pyyax.context``_ module documentation.  In this example we also define an output format specification for ``ra and dec. This determines how these values will be formatted whenever output in a string context, e.g. when rendered in an output template.

source = pyyaks.context.ContextDict('source')
source['ra'].format = '%.5f'
source['dec'].format = '%.4f'

Initialize context dictionary to define processing file hierarchy

Now we define the file hierarchy for each processed source as a context dictionary. By including a basedir keyword argument the associated context objects are treated as file paths. This means that when output in a string context the value is treated as a file path relative to basedir (unless it is already an absolute path). The normal output in string context is a path which is relative to the current working directory.

files = pyyaks.context.ContextDict('files', basedir='data')
files.update({'source_dir': '{{}}',
              'image':      '{{}}/image',
              'context':    '{{}}/context',
              'index':      '{{}}/index',

Initialize default pyyaks logging to a file ‘run.log’ and stdout

Pyyaks includes a wrapper around the python logging module to standardize output logging within all modules and user code.

loglevel = pyyaks.logger.INFO
logfile = 'run.log'
logger = pyyaks.logger.get_logger(level=loglevel, filename=logfile)

Pipeline processing tasks

The tasks that comprise the pipeline are defined as decorated python functions. The pyyaks.task decorators are the “magic” that provide the exception handling, dependency checking and other features required of pipeline processing.

Every task definition must start with the @pyyaks.task.task() decorator which provides exception handling and basic task reporting. Other available pyyaks.task decorators are depends(), chdir(), and setenv().

A processing failure can result from any raised exception or failure to meet the dependence criteria (either on task entrance or exit). Subsequent pipeline tasks are not run, with the exception of tasks defined with the decorator @pyyaks.task.task(run=True). Typically this would include tasks that generate reports and can therefore provide diagnostics of task failures.

Task with file target dependency

This shows a task that must create a particular file specified in the list of targets. If that file already exists then the task will not be run, and if the file does not exist after the task runs then a processing failure occurs.

def make_source_dir():
    """Make the directory that holds outputs for the source."""


Task with value dependencies

Traditional pipeline task dependencies are limited to dependent and target files, but pyyaks extends that concept to context values (which also have a persistent modification time).

@pyyaks.task.depends(depends=(source['ra_hms'], source['dec_dms']),
                     targets=(source['ra'], source['dec']))
def calc_ra_dec():
    """Calculate decimal RA and Dec from sexigesimal input in source data."""

    pos_str = source['ra_hms'].val + " " + source['dec_dms'].val
    pos_str = re.sub(r'[,:dhms]', ' ', pos_str)
    args = pos_str.split()

    # ... CALCULATIONS here ...

    source['ra'] = ra
    source['dec'] = dec
    logger.verbose(pyyaks.context.render('RA={{source.ra}} Dec={{source.dec}}'))

Task run within a directory

This task creates an HTML report page by rendering a template HTML document within the current context (i.e. the source and files context dictionaries). A key feature here is that the HTML page needs to refer to the image.gif file by a file link relative to the location of the HTML file. To accomplish this we use the chdir(dir) directory to run the task within the specified directory. This assures the correct starting path when the {{files.image.gif}} value is rendered within the HTML template.

def make_html(depends=(files['image.gif'],),
    """Create a simple HTML report page for this source."""

    index_html = open(files['index.html'].rel, 'w')

Run the pipeline for each source

After setting up all the pipeline infrastructure it is straightforward to run the actual pipeline. There are a few key elements that are normally part of the pyyaks idiom:

  • Set values in a context dictionary to reflect the processing iteration.
  • Call pyyaks.task.start() to start the pipeline sequence.
  • Call task functions to do pipeline processing.
  • Call pyyaks.task.end() to end the pipeline sequence.

For the example this becomes:

for src in sources:
    # 'source' is a persistent global so the data values should be cleared for each loop

    # Set global source attributes ('name', 'id', 'ra_hms', etc) from inputs 'sources' values
    source.update(zip(source_cols, src))

    process_msg = 'Processing source id=%s name=%s' % (source['id'], source['name'])

    # Start the pyyaks pipeline.  This includes restoring previous processing results from
    # a 'context' file.
    pyyaks.task.start(message=process_msg, context_file=files['context.pkl'].rel)

    # Call the actual pipeline functions

    # Declare the end of the pipeline and store processing results to file.
    pyyaks.task.end(message=process_msg, context_file=files['context.pkl'].rel)

Caching ContextDict values

A context dictionary created with ContextDict() is global for the Python process in which it is being used. This means any embedded function which modifies a context dictionary might unexpectedly modify the state for calling routines. To avoid this, functions or methods which update a context dictionary should cache the state of the object prior to modification. This can be done in one of two ways. The first way is with a context manager:

CD = ContextDict('cd')
CD['i'] = 20
with CD:  # Cache the CD context dictionary values
    CD['i'] = 10
    # Whatever processing uses CD
assert CD['i'] == 20  # True

You can also cache the context dictionary for the entire function:

CD = ContextDict('cd')

def myfunc(val):
    CD['i'] = val
    # Whatever processing uses CD

CD['i'] = 20
assert CD['i'] == 20  # True

Indices and tables