File $Source: /home/juda/www/hrc_flight/contingency/RCS/antico_off.html,v $
Version $Revision: 1.2 $
Last Update $Date: 1999/03/03 21:54:39 $
HRC CCB Status Approved

OP03 Procedures op03:

HRC Contingency Procedures

Excessive Antico Shield Rate - Antico Shields Off


This procedure turns off the anticoincidence shield PMT HV to protect them in the event of excessive rates. The procedure will send commands to turn off both PMTs; only one should be on.

Procedure Trigger:

The procedure shall be initiated by the Flight Operations Team if the antico event rate telemetry exceeds the "red" limit for more than 5 seconds in format 1 or for more than 40 seconds in any other format. The antico rate telemetry mnemonic for this rate is: Note: Telemetry mnemonic 2SHEV2RT is not included because experience gained during the ground test program showed it can occasionally indicate a red-limit condition when none exists.

This procedure shall also be executed by the Flight Operations Team at any time at the request of the Science Operations Team.


$Log: antico_off.html,v $

Revision 1.2 1999/03/03 21:54:39 juda

changed links for files with name changes

Revision 1.1 1998/11/04 13:59:59 juda

Initial revision

Dr. Michael Juda
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Mail Stop 70
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Ph.: (617) 495-7062
Fax: (617) 495-7356