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Last modified: 11 August 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/survey/responses/pubqual.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Can you make publication quality
images in a journal's desired format?

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9 - yes

13 - Yes

14 - CMYK PS files capability missing with IDL

19 - Yes, though dmimg2jpg should produce higher quality postscript
     (and, ideally, encapsulated postscript).

20 - Only using wip

21 - Mostly. I haven't yet found a tool I'm completely happy with for
     creating 1-D CMYK plots. DS9's output often needs to be heavily edited
     in order to get axes & contours to come out right, and in order to add
     a color scale bar when necessary.

22 - Yes

23 - Yes.

24 - yes.

25 - Not quite - dmimg2jpg lacks acceptable axis labeling. Should also
     output postscript in CMYK (not just RGB).

     Chips is good, back lacks a broad range of symbols.

27 - I don't do imaging.

28 - Yes.

30 - Yes

31 - Yes - I love ds9 for this purpose!!!

32 - yes

35 - I'm not an imaging person.

37 - Eventually. Not with Ciao. 

38 - yes, but not with CIAO tools

39 - yes

43 - yes. (except for the silly cmyk business)
     I'm not sure what "imaging" entails; I do mostly line/scatter plots
     (spectra).  Sometimes I need 2D intensity images.  Between IDL and
     isis/pgplot, I can get what I need.

44 - There's a bit of a distinction between what I need for analysis, and
     what I want for publication.  In that sense, something like CHIPS is 
     a bit of a mushy middle ground.  Yes, the XSPEC plotting is kind of
     ugly, but it's good enough to understand and think about.  When it comes
     time for the final "publication product", I then usually go to IDL.
     I usually don't see the need for the middle ground of CHIPS.

47 - Not in CIAO. I use IDL for this task.

49 - Yes.  IDL works best for that.

52 - images with ds9, plots with IDL.

53 - With lots of effort, yes.
     Would like much better handle on resolution.

58 - Yes.  

59 - ds9 can create great images! but i cannot create appropriate
     2d contours with chips

60 - yes.

62 - Yes - using ds9.

63 - Depends- dmimg2jpg certainly can produce good images, and then I
     use xv or gimp to finish them up.  As for plotting, I prefer IDL to
     make the final thing.

64 - YES

65 - yes

67 - It is still difficult to provide color drawings for ApJ in a
     format they can use readily.  The cmyk output of ds9 was insufficient
     last time I tried.

70 - Yes.  I often use "wip" http://bima.astro.umd.edu/wip/manual/wip.html
     and occasionaly IDL

71 - Need more examples

72 - yes

75 - using idl i can; ds9 is not capable of producing really camera
     ready publication quality images

77 - yes, it is not a problem to make publication quality images
     with IDL

80 - no journal entries as of yet, but image specifications are always
     modifiable, though it may require a 3rd party app   

81 - only just

82 - HAHAHAHA. NO. Journals always want four color images, while most
     programs only allow three color output. 

83 - no

89 - yes, but I think contour plots with ds9 should be improved

90 - I haven't tried that yet, and probably won't need to.  (I'm doing mostly
     analysis of point sources.)

100 - is CMYK postscript supported yet?

101 - no

103 - yes, in IDL.

105 - Yes.

106 - yes, but it can be very fiddly

108 - Yes, in IDL

111 - ds9 is nice but could be improved

112 - Yes. ds9 is excellent.

113 - never tried with CIAO, I use IDL because it provides 
      the best flexibility

118 - yes

120 - yes

121 - Yes

124 - Not for color figures.  There are few tools available for manipulating
      CMYK images and generating CMYK postscript.

125 - yes

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Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 11 August 2006

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