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Last modified: 11 August 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/survey/responses/imgworst.html
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Image display features users like the least

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9 - color control

13 - karma is written by one person, who is very obstinate and
     stubborn about admitting there are bugs and making

14 - none

18 - ds9 crashes when viewing a level 1.5 file

25 - Doesn't quite output useful (publishable) postscript images.

28 - IDL - slow process to get the image just right 

35 - I'm not an imaging person.

38 - you don't want to go there...

47 - Can't make multiple overlays on a given image.

67 - Scripting ds9 is not easy and the xpa interface still doesn't
     seem to work with enough applications.  IDL's cursor readback and
     handling of several images for multiwavelength work are inadequate.

72 - no way to recover 1:1 zoom if I forget how many times I've binned
     & zoomed an evtfile

77 - the "comma" syntax (plot,x,y)

82 - ds9 - sometimes when WCS matching, ds9 zooms out or in.
     cannot make journal quality images

83 - hard to control the locations of the characters (dis45)

84 - crash when working with very large images

90 - In terms of X-ray analysis, my most often used tool is ds9.  I don't
     particularly like the way the menus are layed out -- the "double depth"
     of, e.g., the region window is confusing.  Also, I have been unable to
     find a way to make ds9 "remember" settings (e.g., default to saving 
     regions in ciao format).  A simple "save settings" button would be nice.

100 - way too many options to keep track of, and it's hard to print out the ds9 manual.

102 - Not easy to install with other interfaces. unclear errors
      messages when it crashes (XPA related problems) or freezes.

103 - IDL is expensive.

106 - The version of xpa and ds9 that come with ciao are out of date,
      and you get problems with xpa if you try and use a more recent ds9.

111 - no macros => changing a picture requires doing a lot of work an additional time

112 - ds9 Can't control all the defaults. No batch processing interface.

120 - ds9 and xpa have weak and incomplete documentation

126 - The CMYK images that come out of ds9 are sometimes horrendously ugly color schemes.

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Last modified: 11 August 2006

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