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Last modified: 11 August 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/survey/responses/imgmiss.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Image display features which are missing

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9 - detailed control of marking image

13 - Nothing.

14 - none

20 - Select a region of an image to be displayed (rather than the
     whole image) so that several tiled images match each other on the same 
     scale and coordinate range. 

21 - In DS9: an option to print the color scale bar; axis labels that print
     in the right place; an option to restrict the part of the image in
     which the contours are printed, e.g. only print them if they're inside
     the axes.

22 - The ability to be able to easily crop an image to a desired
     region, without having to resort back to using dmcopy on the command

23 - Ds9 has some problems with opening ROSAT or HST images, seems a WCS 
     problem.  (This may be a user error?)  This is responsible for my 
     occasionally using SAOimage.

24 - I'd really like to be able to overlay images to make a "true" color
     image in ds9.  In fact, it'd be nice to be able to do it on the fly.
     If  it could read in an event list and then I could tell it to display
     0.5 to 2 kev in red with a log scale, etc., and define multiple
     filters like that, it would be all I need, and I'd have no use for

25 - CMYK - as above.
     Ability to make accurate overlays, e.g. greyscale of one image
     and contoured image of a totally different image.  

28 - DS9 is not flexible enough for publication quality images - 
     customizing a display is awkward.  In IDL, I always spend a lot of 
     time getting the stretch right.

30 - overlaying contours from a different image

31 - I really like ds9 these days. I would like to see the ability to
     put multiple contour images (positive and negative contours,
     for example) overlaid on a single image.

32 - none that i can think of

35 - I'm not an imaging person.

37 - most of the times, it's my fault for not getting colors right. 

38 - More interactive data analysis capabilities, i.e
     not only displaying an eventlist, but on screen selecting
     a source, get the appropriate pha, arf, rmf and other 
     stats if desired. Something like that.

39 - I do not do imaging

47 - The ability to easily display true-color images where the RGB channels are
     associated with different images from various bands.

58 - ds9:   Images are often truncated in what appears to be 
     an arbitrary size. 
     ds9:  cannot read the standard src2.fits source positions from
     Chandra to put up some indicator of the found sources, detect-cell,
     and background region.  

64 - It would be nice to be able to easily overlay region files on color-weighted
     jpeg images.

67 - Conversion from FITS to jpeg or png.  I still use a Mac OS grab
     utility.  I use IDL for analysis and then write FITS for ds9 to

70 - The ability to produce a publication quality postscript output.  An
     easy way to combine images (e.g. contours from one image overlayed
     on another).

72 - ds9: ability to save a "view" -- i.e., to save what files with
     what binnings and zooms I'm viewing now, in order to be able to
     recover in a subsequent session
     ds9: I had troubles with a remote ds9 running remotely on a sun with
     24bit display, and opening its window on a linux pc with 16bit
     display: colours were messed.

75 - in idl i can do pretty much anything; i tried ds9 but it's lack
     of true color and the ability to overlay complex graphics and
     annotations was too frustrating

77 - none, IDL and ds9 are all I need

81 - hard to adjust grid display; hard to adjust labels on plots

82 - ds9 - 1) the ability to assign regionfile grouping and then turn
     them on/off, delete them, modify them, etc.

     2) put the "wcs match" item on the button menu (it is used SO much).

     3) the ability to seamlessly read in region files with different
     settings (physical coords, image coords, celestial) without having to
     change the input format each time (isn't this what the regionfile
     header is supposed to be for?).

83 - masking of the image

84 - shift, rotate and regrid.

90 - The documentation on using ds9 in conjunction with ciao could be 
     improved.  The documentation borders on having far too much irrelevant
     detail scatter throughout.  The details are good, but a better overview
     of its use with ciao and Chandra data analysis would be helpful.

101 - display coordinates in a user-defined way

102 - Instant smoothing of an image. 
      Nice quality outputs (like with Karma-kview)

103 - None!

105 - None.

106 - When you load contours from one image onto another image in ds9,
      they often extend outside the borders of the image, unless you match
      their sizes to begin with. There should be an option to remove
      contours outside the image. Also, you should be able to save an image
      that has some paricular scaling, min and max cutoffs, and contrast
      applied to it within ds9 as a single file that preserves this
      information, and also keeps your coordinate grid, contours, regions

111 - * ds9 is great, but could be improved:
      macro execution would help a lot
      adding text and arrows
      more options to position axis labels

112 - colorbar control and display.
      not well documented.

113 - easy translation bewteen different formats (e.g. JPEG <--> PS)

119 - The ability to cut fits images (or event files) using region files

124 - More complete XPA access (DS9).  Extending rebinning and smoothing to
      image data in addition to event lists.

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Last modified: 11 August 2006

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