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Last modified: 11 August 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/survey/responses/imgbest.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Image display features users like the most

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9 - overlaying images

13 - karma produces publication quality images with minimum of 
     mucking around

14 - color tables

22 - Its intuitive interface and ease of use.

23 - Ds9's flexibility and range are stunning.

24 - ds9 has pretty easily navigable menus

25 - ds9 does to wcs-matching and region display well.

28 - DS9 - easy to use
     IDL - makes high-quality images

30 - binning on the fly

31 - The align by WCS feature in ds9. It's wunderbar.

32 - compatability with CIAO, ease of use

35 - I'm not an imaging person.

38 - Flexibility, format conversions

43 - isis/pgplot: integrated line,scatter, image in same device.
     highly scriptable, at high and low level.

58 - CAN take a ciao produced source position. 
     Downloads DSS images directly into the frame!
     Should do the same for 2MASS -- which is much more 
     useful than DSS to me. 

63 - ds9 does everything I want it to :-).

67 - Many analysis tools exist in IDL for image analysis.  Matching
     images using WCS is simple and contouring looks pretty good in ds9.

70 - Very quick and easy to use.

72 - ds9: evtfile binning

77 - the programmability of IDL

80 - it's small and efficient

81 - multiple panes; able to fit xspec models; able to integrate with atomdb

82 - ds9 - WCS matching
     user scaling

83 - masking of the data

84 - multiple frames

90 - ds9 is very configurable, but I prefer the control that I have with the
     AIPS TV, although I have not used the AIPS TV in my Chandra data analysis.  

101 - match frames

102 - Possible to include analysis packages.
      Easy overlay of images and coordinates transformations. 
      Easy way to go from regions to extracting spectra. 
      Ds9 rocks!!!

103 - IDL is programmable, flexible and transparent from data to the
      exact Postscript font I want for an ApJ figure.

105 - Funtools capabilities included in ds9.

106 - the funtools and zhtools interfaces

108 - transparent and flexible access to data at a low level; control.

109 - I love ds9 -- it has too many great features to list here!!

111 - overlay with contours

112 - visibility. Speed. 

119 - Lots of functions and options

124 - Ease of use.  XPA!!!  (DS9).

126 - The ability to lay X-ray contours over, say, optical FITS
      images.  The ability to convert between coordinate systems.

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Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 11 August 2006

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